Textiles Thursday: Hi Sugarplum

I am loving Textiles Thursdays.
What is better than peeking inside other bloggers' homes?

I was SO happy when Cassie from Hi Sugarplum agreed to participate.
If you haven't had a chance to spend time at Hi Sugarplum, you are missing out.
Cassie is full of style, spunk, and wit.
I wish I was half as funny as her...

Hello, I'm Cassie from Hi Sugarplum! I'm thrilled to be taking part in Textile Thursday! I love the series, and am a big fan of Danielle.
I'm pretty new to the fabric scene, and before blogging, all I ever knew was Hobby Lobby! Now I'm familiar with many more fabric resources, but I still tend to stick with the inexpensive ones. Mostly because they fit my budget, but also so I don't feel guilty when I want to change them out!
One place I love to put fabric, is in the backs of kitchen cabinets:

Picnik collage

I loved this fabric so much I made a No-Sew Table Runner out of it! (Because even though I love fabric, this girl doesn't sew! Hopefully someday.)


I recovered this hit-with-the-ugly-stick tray in a pink cross-section....and have plans to put the fabric in the back of the living room bookcases as well.

Picnik collage

One of my favorite fabrics in the whole house is actually one I'd have never chosen on my own (it's an inherited chair). I love the clean simplicity of the color, but the nubby texture gives it so much interest. And pretty much any throw pillow looks fabulous on it!

Picnik collage

These pillows get the most comments from visitors in my house...they pack such a fun punch against the blue couch. And thanks to retailers like Target, we regular folk can afford high style like Dwell Studio!

Picnik collage

(Expertly karate chopped by me!)
Most of the fabrics in my house right now are actually swatches. Little pieces I carry from room to room, while devising a plan. Here's what I have and where I'm thinking of incorporating them:

Picnik collage

My daughter's new Big Girl Room will be getting some fun fabrics as well. Follow my progress at Hi Sugarplum!
Thanks for having me, Danielle!!

I think we are textile sisters.
I have several of the same fabrics floating around my home.
I am so excited to see her daughter's bedroom complete, it is going to be amazing!
thanks again Cassie!


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