Yesterday I spent the whole afternoon at one of my clients, and good friends, house working on a couple DIY projects for her home.
While I was there, I took a second to snap some photos of a couple spaces we have been working on.
Her entry rug arrived this week and I am in love!
Once we get it completely finished, I will get some better pictures!
We ordered the from the rug for Rugs USA.
It is 100% wool and is on sale for 35% off, making it $189.00 for a 5' x 8'. Does it get much better than that?
The quality is great too, we were definitely presently surprised by how thick and comfortable it is.
She also got her mirror and pendant shade hung above her kitchen table.
I am absolutely obsessed with that Horchow mirror. It really is something special.
We purchased the mirror when it was 20% off, which definitely helped the budget out.
Gotta love a sale!
I absolutely love seeing any progress, it makes my job worth it!
Also, I will share our DIY project from this afternoon next week, just think spray paint!
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