Project Stay Happy Success!

Yesterday I took the day off to celebrate.
On October 10, 2012 I was admitted to the hospital and began my bed rest adventure.
Little did I know at the time, those 12 weeks would change me forever.

In this picture below, I had only been admitted minutes before. I was about to be hooked up to magnesium (awful!), given steroids to help develop the baby's longs, and taken off all food. I was only 24 weeks pregnant and so scared that I would deliver another micro-preemie.

As you know, I was blessed with 36 weeks of pregnancy and delivered a healthy 5 lb baby boy.
Yesterday I celebrated by exercising, eating yummy food, driving my car, cleaning my bathroom, and playing with my kids. The little things that I longed for everyday in the hospital! 
It was perfect.

Today I want to share with you my last Project Stay Happy update.
A couple weeks ago I contacted the social worker at St. Luke's hospital in Boise. 
I was given word that they had several women on bedrest and that my packages would be welcomed. 
I got busy putting together the final touches on the packages.

I was lucky enough to have several tote bags donated from bright beige, but I needed a couple more. 
I swung by Michael's and picked up a few canvas totes and some gold metallic fabric paint. Crafting is not my forte, but I managed to paint on a simple heart.

I then needed a way to differinciate between baby boy bags, baby girl bags, and gender neutral bags.
I purchased these cute felt sticker flowers and wrapping supplies from Target. Blue flowers went on baby boy packages, pink on baby girl, and gender neutral packages were left plain.

I divided up all the donations and was able to make 20 large packages and 20 small packages!

The large packages went to women on long term bed rest. Each package was different, but I tried my best to make them even.

Here is a sample of what went in a boy package:

2. Target Socks
4. Lip Balm
7. Bath by Betijo face mask, lavender oil, lavender soap, and oil.
8. You're a Fox print by Paper & Pleats.
12. Crochet Hat
14. Hair Ties
15. Felt Booties

The girl packages had a lot of the same items, but here are a few items that were different.

I attached links to the items donated just incase you are looking for some good gift ideas for friends in need. Each package was valued close to $200.00 in donations! Amazing. I am humbled by the generosity of people.

I know I am missing some links to products donated, so if you sent something and don't see the link here, email me!

I headed out to the hospital with several packages in hand. I must admit, I was really nervous!

When I arrived at the hospital I met with the antepartum coordinator and was lucky enough to meet with 2 woman currently on bedrest. Sitting on a stool next to a pregnant woman on bedrest was surreal. I swear that was just me!

 It was such a treat to deliver the package myself, chat with the ladies about the in's and out's of hospital life, and hopefully provide a little bit of encouragement as I shared my success story. As I walked out of each room, I couldn't help but get a little emotional. Bedrest is not easy, and these woman are doing such a great job. 

I left several packages at the hospital to be delivered when new bedrest moms arrive. I also plan to head back at Christmas and deliver a few goodies to each woman on the unit.

Lastly, I saved a couple packages to mail out to woman on long-term home bedrest. I am sending out a few today, but I still have a couple more. If you know of anyone in need, email me!

Overall, the whole project was such a wonderful experience. A huge thank you for everyone that supported me in this project, I know the mom's felt the love!



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