Time to Sell...

With the end of medical school quickly approaching (someone pinch me!), we will soon be heading to Boise Idaho to start residency.
This move is very bitter sweet for me. Although I am excited to be finished with medical school, I am so sad to be leaving my friends, clients, and especially my condo.

Over the past 4 years we have spent endless hours renovating and updated our condo. New flooring, paint, lighting, hardware, and appliances. It looks nothing like it did when we first bought it.
As corny as it sounds, I love this little condo!

Since it is time to move on, we have decided to sell.
You can go here to see the listing! 
If you know anyone looking for a great 2 bedroom condo in Holladay Utah, send them my way

I am finally getting my condo professionally photographed this week, but here is a mini tour in the meantime!

2 bedroom/1bath 
List price: $121,900

Living Room/Dining Room

Living Room


Master Bedroom

Second Bedroom 

I can't wait to get some real pictures taken of this place, mine just don't do it justice!
Anyone else shed tears over selling their first home?
I am going to be a mess!


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