How To Style A Nightstand...

One of the most challenging aspects of interior design is styling.
Selecting the furniture is fun, but making the the space feel "finished" isn't always so easy.

I am currently working on a master bedroom for a client, and we are finally ready to style the nightstands.
I always search for inspiration before heading out to shop, and I thought it would be fun to share a few of my tips with you.

1. Make sure your lamp is big enough. 

The lamp needs to be large enough to work with the scale and heaviness of the bed, but small enough that it doesn't overwhelm the nightstand.
I recently wrote a post about lamp scale here, obviously I think it's important!

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2.  Layering gives depth.

Whether you hang a mirror or picture above the nightstand, or just lean one up against the wall, layering accessories gives depth and an overall finished feel to a vignette. 

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3. Incorporate books

Many people spend time reading before bed. Having a nightstand that is both decorative and functional for your nighttime routine is important. Simply stack two of your favorite books and place a decorative accessorie on top.

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4. Flowers are a must.

Flowers give the perfect feminine touch and softness to a nightstand.
If you have a small nightstand, flowers paired with a lamp and small accessory may be all you need.

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Hope you found this at least a little helpful!
Now I am off to shop!


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