My New Joy & Revelry Shop!

I am excited to share with you my new little shop over at Joy & Revelry!
Joy & Revelry is an awesome online retailer that sells home decor products. They also have several style mavens that curate collections by selecting products that they would recommend. This is a great way for a blogger/designer to recommend products and make a small commission without dealing with the logistics of running an online retail store. Plus, it allows shoppers to purchase products recommended by the designer of their choice. 
I would say it is a win win!

Let me show you around my shop!

So far I have curated two collections; Classically Eclectic and Color Me Modern.
Classically Eclectic is filled with neutral bases, shiny metals, and unexpected accessories. I love the mixture of traditional lines, whimsical accessories, and vintage touches.

Color Me Modern is filled with Mid-Century pieces, graphing patterns, and colorful accessories. I wouldn't mind owning every single piece!

I hope you swing by and take a look!



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