Things have been crazy busy around here. I am booked solid with design work, I have a million DIY projects on the go, I am finalizing things for Project Stay Happy with plans to deliver the packages this week, and my baby is on the move. For some reason, I do my best work when I am busy. I secretly love it.
If you follow me on instagram (@danielleoakeyinteriors) than these pictures will be a repeat, but if not, here is a little re-cap of what is happening around these parts.
I have made some serious progress on Emory's room.
On Friday morning here room looked like this...
And 24 hours later it looked a little different.
So far I have only spent $100.00!
I converted her loft bed into a twin upholstered bed and finally hung her DIY pom pom curtains.
Don't worry, I will share all the details later this week.
I also can't wait to show you what else I have planned for the room.
Project Stay Happy is coming to an end.
I spoke with a case worker at my local hospital this weekend and there are several woman on bed rest.
I divided up all the donations and I am busy working on making the packages pretty.
It looks like Tuesday will be the big delivery day!
I don't know why, but I am so nervous.
Several adorable totes were donated from Bright Beige but I needed a few more. I bought a few plain totes from Hobby Lobby and painted gold hearts on them. I am still deciding if I should add something else to them (border, words?)...I just want them to be perfect! Thoughts?
My sweet little Theo is now 8 months old and on-the-go.
Any work that I used to get done during his awake hours have now come to a complete stop.
He hasn't started pulling himself up on furniture yet (thank goodness!), but he loves to hang out at his sisters level. He army crawls like it is his job and is very fast at it.
He sure keeps me on my toes!
Anyone else super busy lately? Life is good.
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