A Blog Tour

I am sure you have noticed that things look a little different around here.
I got a blog makeover, cleaned things up a bit, and hopefully accomplished my ultimate goal of making things a little easier to find!

First, although I loved the look of my last blog design, I was ready for something a little simpler. 
Simple is what I got and I love it. 

For the design I purchased a pre-made template from Shiny Magic on Etsy. I am in the midst of saving up for a big blog revamp and hope to switch over to a .com, so a $70.00 template was perfect for now. The process was awesome, I purchased the design one afternoon and 24 hours later she had it ready to go!

Let me show you around...

Same as before, you can find all my pages right below my header.

I have done my best to update each page. 
I've added new pictures and a little more detail about my life and design business on my About Me page. I mean, I do think it's time we become a little more familiar with each other right? 
Getting a new headshot is definitely on my to-do list.

I FINALLY updated my portfolio page. Although I still have several spaces that need to be photographed, it's nice to be able to see some of my work all in one place. 

I added a button on the right-hand side of my blog that links directly to my affordable furniture shopping guide. You simply click on the picture and BAM you are there.
Gosh I love Glossi, such a great company.

I know you are on the edge of your seat by now, but hold on because it is about to get real crazy up in here.
I have fully updated my DIY Projects page! What? Can it be?
I actually surprised myself with how many DIY's I have done. Apparently I like them.
If you are new around here, you might want to check them out.

And my personal favorite addition, I added some of my popular posts to the right-hand side of the blog.

I am also going to be introducing a few new design services in the next few months.  Hopefully something that will work for all types of budgets.

^^^oh, and I now have a cute little signature, how fun.


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