My New Bedroom!

A few weeks ago The Company Store contacted me about reviewing some of their bedding.
Of course I said yes, our sheets are in baaaad shape.
Please tell me I am not the only one that has waited way too long to replace their sheets?
After spending one night in them, I have promised myself to never wait so long again.

It was definitely the right pick for my bedroom.

I don't know about you, but I like to keep my bedroom light and airy.
I am a huge fan of crisp white bedding.

The sheets and pillow cases have a simple graphic pattern that looks great with my white coverlet. I also love their light blue color, they are perfect with my headboard.

I found this simple floral lumbar at Home Goods for $16.99.
I think my husband might be happy to finally have no pink in our bedroom.

I must say I am really happy with my new bedding. 
I definitely don't mind crawling into bed at night!

I also can't wait to get some drapery on my windows, I think it will make such a difference in our bedroom, don't you?


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