I am going a little off topic today to write about something I am passionate about: high risk pregnancies.
Whoa, total 180 right? I've been wanting to write about this topic for a while but I couldn't bring myself to do it. With it being one year since I was admitted to the hospital for bed rest (how did that go so fast?!), I have no choice but to write.
If you are new to this blog, let me fill you in.
Having babies did NOT come naturally for me.
My healthy, beautiful, and spunky 5 year old Emory had a rough start. She was born at 24 weeks and 5 days via c-section, weighing 1 pound 9 ounces. She lived in the hospital for the first 96 days of her life, and remained on oxygen at home until she was 8 months old.
My busy, sweet, and feisty 7 month old Theo threatened to come at 24 weeks. I was immediately admitted to the hospital and remained there, on bed rest, for 10 weeks. He was born at 35 weeks and 5 days via c-section, weighing 5 pounds 12 ounces. He came home with us right away.
During my 10 weeks of bed rest I had LOTS of time to think. I would wonder what it would be like to have a normal pregnancy. I often asked myself questions like:
"What kind of maternity clothes would I wear?" "Would I get an epidural?" "Would I need to be induced?" "What does real labor feel like?"
To be honest, I always felt awful after letting my mind explore these questions. Silly really, but there is just something about being a woman that makes you feel like you should be able to have babies easily. I mean, isn't it my right? How often do you hear someone talk about how natural it is? Or how a woman's body just knows what to do? Apparently my body didn't get the memo, it is naturally done with pregnancy at 24 weeks. On the dot.
I also can't count the number of my friends who suffer from infertility. From not being able to get pregnant, to miscarriages, to endless complications...no matter what it is, this pregnancy stuff is hard.
My 10 weeks in the hospital opened my eyes to the reality of pregnancy for so many women. A sweet friend down the hall lost a twin girl to a cord prolapse, my neighbor's water broke and she was carrying without fluid, the woman two doors down had her placenta attached to her uterus requiring a hysterectomy, a woman across the hall twin "baby A" was growing at a much faster rate than "baby B," and in the corner room was an amazing mom struggling to carry her baby to full term during her final days fighting cancer.
I have never been so humbled.
Several of these women quickly became my good friends. We chatted for hours sitting in wheelchairs in the hospital lobby, playing board games, ordering in take-out together, and supporting each other.
There are so many amazing women stuck in hospital antepartum units around the world, counting each pregnant day a success. As a former graduate, I know what that is like.
On day 36 of my hospital stay I had a former bed rest graduate visit me. She gave me a bag full of goodies. She didn't know me, but she cared enough to bring me something to cheer me up. I have never been so touched. That day I promised that I would give back to my antepartum unit, wherever it may be, once I delivered and recovered.
Now is that moment, and I can't wait to get started! With the holiday season around the corner I am excited to create some amazing gift packages for women I have never met, but who are on bed rest. Although I can't make their pregnancies normal or easier, hopefully I can help make their stay a little more tolerable, maybe even a tad bit enjoyable. I'm calling it Project Stay Happy: Pay it Forward.
This is where you come in.
I am accepting donations to make "Project Stay Happy" packages that will be to be delivered to pregnant woman in hospitals on bed rest.
If you have an ETSY shop, a creative skill, or just want to donate, please leave a comment or email me! I'm thinking baby leggings, mobiles, hats, homemade stuffed dolls/animals, prints for the nursery, art, pillow cases, jewelry for mom, hair bows, turbans, baby wraps, stationary, gift wrapping, etc. You know... the fun stuff!
Even if you can't donate, please feel free to share Project Stay Happy!
Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, email your Grandma who knits (ok, maybe call her)... I'd love to make this project a success!
I am a big believer that helping these women keep positive attitudes will ultimately help them successfully complete their bed rest, a great cause in my opinion!
So who is ready to pay it forward?
Also, if you or someone you know has been lucky enough to be on bed rest, email me! I would love to hear your story. I'm hoping to share a few bed rest stories here on the blog as we work towards Project Stay Happy!
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