Project: Get-er-done!

I spend my days working on designs for clients, taking care of Emory, cleaning, running errands, and it feels like a million other things. (you all know the drill!)
Once in a while I get a second to work on a project, but unfortunately, I never seem to have enough time to completely finish them. 
Which leads me to my problem, I have an overwhelming to-do list!
My hubby has no time to help around the house, medical school owns him, so it is up to me.

I decided it's time to get-er-done. 
I plan on dedicating 45-minutes a day to projects around the  house.
Last week I started on my new goal, I was so surprised how simple and fast most of the items on my to-do list were.
Why didn't I do this a long time ago? It feels oh-so-good!

I started off with one of my biggest pet peeves, holes in the walls!
After I took down the disgusting metal blinds, I was left with a big hole in the wall.

Can you believe I have lived with that little guy staring at me for 2 years?
Shameful, I know.

And my office wall had just a few holes from my old desk.
Yep, they have been there for 6 months.
How embarrassing.

So I googled "how to fill a hole in the wall" and found a handy little video.

Step 1: Clean the wall
Step 2: Wipe of the excess drywall so the hole is flat
Step 3: Apply spackling
Step 4: Let dry
Step 5: Sand
Step 6: Re-paint!

The pink spackle is so cool.
When it is drys, it turns white.
This stuff is made for home renovation newbies, like me!

I can't believe how easy it was. It look about 20 minutes total.
I am painting the walls today. I can't wait!

Also, while I was waiting for the spackle to dry, I added the final coat of paint to my fireplace.

When I painted it before, I got burned out on the 5th coat...painting brick is the worst thing ever.
Since then, I have been living with it one coat away from being done. Are you disgusted with me yet?
Well, it is now done and I am so happy!

So, do you have a long to-do list as well?
Or am I the only lazy one?

I hope to show you weekly progress on project get-er-done!
Wish me luck...


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