Friday was Emory's 4th birthday party and it was so fun!
Like I mentioned before, I planned, prepared, and threw the party in 24 hours.
My motto was keep it simple but magical.
We did the party play-group style, I loved it that way.
I made Emory's cake with store bought cake mix and icing.
I layered 2 round cakes on top of each other and iced the middle.
Since store bought cake is less than amazing (and so are my baking skills), I served the sugar cookies instead of the cake.
I made the cake bunting from a printable and paper straws.
You can get the printable and tutorial here, from the Tomkat Studios.
It was really simple, I just printed them out, folded and taped then together, and hung them on a string.
The only decorations were the ombre ballon wall.
I blew up 22 balloons in 3 shades of pink and randomly taped them to the wall.
I love how it turned out!
I kept the food simple.
Fruit, cookies, fruit roll-ups, juice, and diet coke (for the mom's of course!).
My girlfriend made these amazing crown cookies.
We did blue and pink icing, just incase the boys didn't want pink cookies!
Then it was time to open presents.
Em loved all the attention!
When the kids arrived, the girls received wands and the boys received swords.
They thought that was really cool.
And when they left they got ring pops!
I found these adorable little chevron bags from the party store to put them in.
I think it was a success!
At least I know Emory loved it!
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