Thrifty Tuesdays: Patterned Paint Rollers

Have you guys seen these patterned paint rollers yet?

I think they are pretty darn neat.
They sure would be a lot faster than a stencil and cheaper than wallpaper.

The Painted House sells the applicators and rollers and they are not too spendy either.

You can pick up the applicator for $16.00 and the roller for $25.00.
So far they sell 4 different patterns.

And you can paint them on a wall, paper, or even fabric.

It looks really easy but I would love to try it out myself.
You can check out The Painted House website for more info on how it works!

So far they sell smaller patterns, I hope they add some larger scale ones too!

{all images via The Painted House}

So, what do you think?
Would or have you tried a patterned roller?


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