12 Days of Bed Rest!

I almost can't believe it, I have been on bed rest in the hospital now for 12 days.
Although I can think of hundreds of things I would rather do, it hasn't been too bad either.
Here is a little recap of my last 12 days...

1. My first cuddle with Em in my hospital bed. She was a little nervous to jump in, but now it's a daily affair.
2. FaceTiming with Zack and Em in the morning. This helps me feel not so left out :(
3. I've learned the basics of crocheting, pretty proud of myself actually.
4. My IV was removed. Definitely the highlight of my first week...those darn things hurt so bad.
5. Playing scrabble with my Mom. She flew out from Canada and stayed for a week, I can't thank her enough.
6. I started wearing regular clothes and make-up everyday. This seems to help me feel more normal and less like I am living in a hospital.
7. Em loves to come to my "new home" and watch cartoons after school. We don't have cable at home so this is quite the treat.
8. My mom decorated my room for Halloween complete with a Happy "Halolween" banner. We quickly discovered that it is spelled wrong, but it has been a great conversation piece among the nurses.
9. Zack had to go to Los Angleos to take his last big test in medical school. I stayed in my bed (imagine that!)
10. Zack has been awesome at massaging my sore body parts. Surprisingly, bed rest makes everything ache. He also tried out my leg compression boots!
11. My room floods with sunshine every afternoon, I can't complain about that.
12. I have been so spoiled with treats and flowers from friends, puts a smile on my face.
13. On Friday we had a family movie and game night. Em loved it and we all had a blast.
14. Saturday we had a small scare, I spent 7 hours in labour and delievery hoping to slow things down!
15. We managed to stop progression and I was returned to my room, thank goodness! Although I now have an IV again (boo!) I am very happy to still be pregnant!
16. Zack has done an incredible job being Mr. Mom. He has even learned how to round brush Em's hair perfectly. What a stud.

This is by far my favorite pictures from the last 12 days...Em is just as impressed with her Dad's round brushing skills as I am!

Today I am 25 weeks and 5 days. A full week more than when Emory was born. We are thrilled at my progress, but still hoping for at least a few more weeks!
I can only hope that the next 12 days will be as uneventful as the last...and that I won't turn into a crazy person :)

If you have any great suggestions on good books, movies, television shows, or hobbies...I am all ears!

Happy Monday!

If you want daily updates, follow my on Instagram @danielleoakey.


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