Kid-Friendly Home Tour: Lonny!

Well folks, I am still in the hospital and still pregnant. All great news!
Thanks so much for your sweet comments and name suggestions, we really have a great list to select from now :)

For the most part bed rest stinks, but there are some positives to laying down all day long.
One being, i've got lots of extra time on my hands. 
In the last 5 days I have spent ample of time on blogs, pinterest, online magazines, and design websites filling my brain with inspiration and ideas!
I feel like my head is ready to explode and I am excited to implement some of these ideas in my clients homes.

This lovely kid-friendly home tour featured in Lonny's October issue really made my brain spin.
It's eclectic, light, fun, and just feels comfortable.
I particular love the use of unexpected wallpaper, it really adds that custom feel.

{all images via Lonny}

Even though this home is well designed, it doesn't feel too uptight and perfect.
I think that is why I like it so much.

I am now inspired to find the perfect wallpaper for a clients home, I'll be sure to share my finds as well.
Do you have any favorites you want to share?


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