Online Design: Pre-Teen Girls Bedroom

So you don't have to stare at my ugly pumpkins all weekend, I thought I would share with you an online design I recently completed.

This design was for the winner of my Online Design Giveaway.
We were working on a bedroom for her 10 and 12 year old girls.
She gave me complete control.

I kept the design bright and girly.
I think I might move in.

I am drooling over the desk chair.
I want one for my office...

Since completing the design we have already made a few minor changes.
Instead of wallpapering the nook, my client is going to tackle a DIY painting project.
It is going to look a little like this...

But in this dreamy coral color.
We are also decided to swap out the ziggy chair for this hanging bubble chair.
Love it.

I think I want to be 12 again. 


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