Let's Talk: Comments

A couple weeks ago while l was leaving a comment on a blog, I noticed the comment above mine mentioned that she thought commenting was only for other bloggers.
This is definitely not the case, bloggers LOVE comments from everyone.

Blogging can be really hard.
Posting everyday can be challenging, but comments make it worth it.
So if you hang around these parts, and you see something you like, leave a comment.
I would love to hear from you :)

Also, leaving a comment is a great way to start a discussion with the blogger.
We are a chatty bunch and we love to respond to comments.
This can be easily done if you change your settings to allow us to reply to your comments.

Every time you leave a comment, I get an e-mail.
If your settings are right, I can hit reply to the email and contact you directly.
Everyday I get responses from the comments I leave, and it gives me warm fuzzes.

So here is how it is done:

Go to your profile.
Click edit profile
Then make sure you click the "show my email" box.

Then enter your email address.
You can enter any email address, this won't change your login email.
The email you enter is the one that will be used to reply back to your comments.

And that is it!
You have now changed your settings from no-reply to reply!
And you just made it a million times easier for me :)

If you don't have a blog profile, please still leave comments!
I heart them. 


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