Winner, Lonny, & Sunburst Mirror Round-up!

I hope you had a great Mother's day weekend, I know I did.
I kinda think it should be Mother's week, anyone with me?!

I am excited to announce the winner of the Elegant Touch giveaway!

Congrats Liz!

I can't wait to see them in her den!

Also, I had a chance to check out the newest issue of Lonny this weekend.
It is yummy.
I was especially drawn to these three rooms...

{all images via Lonny}

Do you notice anything in common?
Sunburst mirrors!
Yep, they are still in style and going strong! 

I put together a quick round-up of my favorite sunburst mirrors:

These mirrors range from $49.99 - $299.00, pretty reasonable if you ask me.
I think I might need a cluster of them, loving that.
Happy Monday!


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