Home Tour: Cape 27

I love it when I come across a beautiful and realistic home tour.
Of course it is fun, and inspiring, to look at high-end homes in magazines, but seeing a home tour packed full of affordable items is always so appealing to me.

Jessie and her husband from Cape 27 have done such a great job at making their house feel like a home. And lucky for them, they just purchased a brand-new home that they are currently renovating. How fun. I can't wait to see how it turns out, I am sure it will be amazing.

Until then, I wanted to share their old home tour.
I adore the grey, white, and yellow color scheme.

{all images via Cape 27}

I think they have done such a great job.
Also, make sure you head on over to Cape 27 to see what they are up to with their new home!

Don't forget to enter my Gallery Wall giveaway!


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