DIY Dorothy Draper Nightstands!

Well, my nightstands are finally done.
Give me a what what!
Not going to lie, I kind of like them.

The process was pretty simple, just time consuming.
Thank goodness for the tutorial from Nancy and inspiration from Centsational girl, I really just followed their lead.

Here is how it went down:

1. Prime and paint the bases. 
2. Enlarge a picture of the Dorothy Draper drawer detail and print it out.
3. Make a stencil.
4. Paint!

Go here for a more detailed tutorial.

When I pulled off the stencil there was quite a bit of bleeding, so I ended up going back in with a small paint brush and touching them up.

It took forever and they are not perfect, but I think they look pretty good.

Also, did you notice my new pillows?
$19.99 from Target!
I still haven't decided if they will stay in my bedroom or not, but I like them there for now.

Oh, and I am still planning on re-doing the headboard.
I just decided not to sell my original headboard until I am ready to get-er-done, hopefully this weekend.
So, what do you think? Are you ready to get your Dorothy Draper on?


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