I am thrilled to have christine from bijou and boheme guest posting today.
her blog is my number one stop for inspiration, you should see the images she posts...incredible.
this girl knows a thing or two about textiles. prepare yourself to be completely jealous...
I'm so happy to be here today and thank you to Danielle for asking me to post about one of my absolute favourite subjects...textiles!
I could talk forever about fabric and am delighted to share some of the beauties that have found a spot in my home.
As you can probably tell, I am a lover of print and colour.
Set against a light and neutral (be in pink) backdrop, I love a little spice.
I piled them all on my little settee so I could talk about them all at once.
It's also a great way of showing that varied patterns with lots of colour can marry really well together.
Here is a close up look at some of my most beloved fabrics.
In the center of the sofa is David Hicks La Fiorentina in Magenta. I don't think it really needs an introduction but I will tell you (for those of you who may not have seen it in person) it's actually much more vibrant than it appears on screen...it's a very vivid fuchsia colour and in all honesty, it took me a few days to really fall in love with it. Now I could eat it for dinner.
On the right is my KW Imperial Trellis cushion. Although I love the print, I almost wish I had ordered it in the emerald green, rather than the citrine. The yellow is far softer than I originally thought it would be and it doesn't quite have the saturation of colour I was looking for.
And last, but certainly not least is my first true love fabric...Manuel Canovas Misia. I am totally and utterly smitten with this print. I love how it so playfully balances a french mystique with a harder edge. The black and white in combination with brightly coloured blooms makes me positively giddy. This is the fabric I'm hoping to use for my kitchen curtains, once the renovation is complete.
The hallway is home to some of my favourite fabrics.
On the left is a little picture I took before the fabrics were made into the chairs you see on the right. The black and white is by Marimekko and is called Joonas. I love how it's a twist on your traditional stripe. I also adore how it's modern look is juxtaposed with the very traditional french chairs. The floral is called Anne Dorothea and it's made by Hazelton House. The brightly coloured almost Varney like bouquets set against a black background had me at hello. And of course, there's my vintage leopard coat, which I'm using as inspiration for future chair cushions. I just simply adore this 'call of the wild' print- its vintage charm is just to sweet to resist.
These are some fabrics I have around the house. On the left is a print that I actually designed at Spoonflower. If you haven't been to this site before, you should definitely check it out. Basically it's a textile design page that lets you come up with your own prints. I used text to print out 'Lovey Dovey, which is common play on our last name and then added the first initial of each of our names to make a little pattern. I wrote them both in a variety of fonts and then layered them on top of each other. After my yard arrived in the mail, I bought a giant canvas and some batting, and then wrapped the fabric over the canvas to make a little bulletin board. The finished product is in our playroom and I use it to hang all of the kids' artwork.
To the right of the board is a little owl needlepoint pillow that I bought for my son's nursery before he was born. I love how charming a handmade textile can be and the little owl is just too cute to resist.
And lastely, here are the fabrics that haven't yet found their permanent home. I just can't wait to use them and really bring them to life.
My favourite of the bunch is the black and white Louise Body print. It's called Erotica and I just adore how cheeky it is. I can not wait to make this into some cushions for my master bedroom.
So there you have it...a little tour of the fabrics of my life.
Thank you again so much to Danielle for having me...it was an absolute honour to be here.
have you ever seen anything so incredible?
it all screams perfection to me, especially that chair!
i am so excited to see where her new fabrics land.
thank you so much for sharing christine, i am officially inspired!
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