Pregnancy Update: A Heavy Mind

I can't believe it, I am 22 weeks!
Although I want time to pass quickly, I am absolutely terrified for what the next two weeks may bring.
I am trying to focus on the positive and loving every kick and squirm that I feel on a regular basis. It is such an amazing feeling.

I had my 22 week check-up on Tuesday and got some not-so-great news.
My cervix has started to shorten a little, making my doctor a little concerned. As of now it is still long enough to be in the considered in the "safe zone" but it sure has me worried. I now go back weekly to have my cervix checked, if it continues to shorten they will have to stitch it closed, ugh.

We are exactly 2 weeks away from when I went into labour with my daughter Emory. My mind is heavy and I can't seem to turn it off. It was such a nice treat to have my family here this week and take my mind off of worrying!

Thank you for being so patient with me, I know things have been awfully slow around here. I hope to get back to a daily blogging schedule soon and share some fun projects I have been working on!
Until then, my main goal is to keep this baby in :)


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