It's a Boy!

Well, I almost can't believe it myself, we are expecting a little boy!
I guess I didn't realize how much I thought it was a girl, because I am in complete shock!
I am super excited, from what I hear boys are great at cuddling and love their mommas...sounds perfect to me.

Here is our little guy's profile, isn't he a cutie?

Ok, maybe only a mom can find an ultrasound picture cute.
Now that I know we are expecting a boy, I can't stop designing the bedroom.

Since moving into our condo 3 years ago, Emory's room has made a couple changes. It started off with her big girl bed.

And then she graduated to a loft bed.

Now it is time to make a few more changes. 
I need to make this room gender neutral, working for a 4 year old girl and a newborn baby boy.
I also want it to be fun and playful, since this rooms doubles as the toy room.
I plan on keeping the white loft bed, black and white chalkboard stripes, the blue drapery, and the aqua furniture.

I am going to switch the pink loft bed drapery to plain white and add ric rac ribbon trim. 
I'm still not positive on the color, but I want a fun and bold color.
Something like this...

{image via here}

Next, I plan on buying a Jenny Lind crib and getting it painted!
I've already found a few on my local classifieds, making it a very affordable option.

Now this is where you come in.
I'm debating between 3, aqua, or yellow?


Keep in mind, I've already got the aqua furniture, black and white striped wall, and Emory's white loft bed.

So, what's your vote?
Red, blue, or yellow?


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