Our Festive Weekend...

This weekend my in-laws brought me my Christmas tree!
I have officially upgraded from a 4.5 foot tree to a 7.5 foot tree, wahoo.

The tree was looking awfully lonely just sitting in the box, I couldn't help myself.
So, I decided I would ONLY put it together.
Once is was up, my urge to put the lights on was too strong.
And then I needed to take an inventory of my decorations, so I thought I would put 50% of them on, logical right?
Before I knew it my tree was 75% decorated. Yes, I need help.

I did save the rest of the decorations to up as a family.
I made a cute little video of our festivities.
I got this idea from YHL, expect theirs is way cooler :)

I need to buy a couple more decorations to finish it off but it is almost there.
And even though I know it is super early, I can't help but smile every time I look at it.
There is something so magical about a Christmas tree.

Are you fighting the urge to get your tree up?
Or am I the only crazy one?


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