Mom Chic Feature: A Little About My Fashion Style!

A couple weeks ago I was lucky enough to have the talented Veronica Reeve photograph me and my kiddos for the Mom Chic feature on the adorable blog with HEART.

I share a few tid-bits about my fashion style, favorite stores, and budget saving ways.

I know I have mentioned a little bit about with HEART before when I shared Ruby’s nursery reveal, but guys, I am in love with this blog. 

The beautiful Jen Stagg writes inspiring posts about motherhood, pregnancy, fashion, fitness, food, everything really!

Oh and did I mention that last week she interviewed Katie Couric? Told you she was big time.
So if she interviewed me as well, does that make me as cool as Katie?
Doubtful, but I can pretend.

You can go here to check out my Mom Chic feature.
Thanks Jen!


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