Renter Approved: Removable Wallpaper

As I mentioned last week, we will soon be entering the rental market for the next 4 years.
Just as promised, I will be focusing a post a week on renter approved ways to decorate, I'm excited!

Although wallpaper seems like a permanent thing, it doesn't have to be anymore.
Many companies are now selling removable wallpaper....yay!
Today I wanted to feature one of my favorite lines by Timothy Sue.

You may remember this room designed by Emily Mughannam using Timothy Sue's Hearts Apart removable wallpaper on the ceiling.

It is stunning right?

{all images via Em Design Interiors}

The patterns are bold but beautiful, and I think they are perfect for children's spaces.

They have 4 patterns with 3 colorways in each pattern.
{all images via Timothy Sue}

You can see all the colorways here.

I am pretty sure I will be using one of these wallpapers in our next apartment.
I just can't get enough.

If these patterns are a little too bold for you, here is a list of a  few places that sell removable wallpaper.

Anyone tried removable wallpaper? If so, I would love to hear your thoughts!


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