Seeing Stars

The other day I came across this image on Pinterest and fell in love.
I wouldn't typically pair red and yellow together, especially in a nursery, but I think it looks amazing.

{image via Style at Home}

Even though the color scheme is a little out of my comfort zone, I think the abundance of white makes it work.

This is why I absolutely love Pinterest, blogs, and shelter magazines. 
Although I hold great value to my education in interior design, I can't deny how much I grow as a designer everyday when I turn the computer on. I feel so lucky to be exposed to so much!
I am never at a loss for inspiration and always have examples of great design at my fingertips.

Even if you don't have a design background, looking at a well designed room can teach you so much.
I am working on a blog series to teach you a few basic principles to follow when designing a room, hopefully it will be helpful!

Do you also love the overwhelming amount of inspiration available? 
Or does it do exactly that, overwhelm you?


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