He's Home & Giveaways!

Yesterday Zack returned home from a 4 week medical clerkship in Idaho.
We are very happy to have him around again.
And since Emory rarely gets to see her dad (medical school is the worst!) she was thrilled to spend the morning with him.

Unfortunately for you, blogging hit the bottom of my to-do list.
I am soaking up every minute of having him around.

Since things are kind of boring around here, you should hit up Angie Helm Interiors for some awesome giveaways.
So far you can enter to win a print from Plum Street Prints or an adorable tie from Homemade by Emy.

And I hear she has a couple more giveaways up her sleeve.
Gotta love free stuff :)

Also, I will be heading to a blogger social tonight with some incredible bloggers, I can't wait.
More on that tomorrow!


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