Happy Holidays!

I am so excited that we are only days away from Christmas.
We have been very busy getting ready. 

On Tuesday I attempted to make caramels for Emory's preschool teachers.
It started off well...

But then I burnt them. Arg!
So I moved onto plan B, gourmet hot chocolate and candy canes.
I got this idea from the blogger social, Caitlin Creer brought it as her homemade gift.
I purchased the Silly Cow Farms hot chocolate from Whole Foods.
It might not be homemade, but you can't win them all.

Then on Wednesday we caught a plane and headed to Montana.

My parents place in Montana is like a little slice of heaven.
It is the perfect holiday getaway.

We purchased a mini real tree and decorated it with tinsel and colored lights.
An ideal kids tree if you ask me.

It has been SO nice to finally spend sometime with Zack.
He is loving cruising around on my dad's newest toy, the Rhino.

And finally Emory's cousins arrived today.
They quickly bundled up and headed up to Grandmas playground.

The fun has really just began. I absolutely love this time of year!
And a big thanks to Instagram for documenting our every move. 
You can follow me @danielleoakey if you want too!

Merry Christmas!


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