I have a big obsession with yard sales.
I blame it on my mom, many saturdays from my childhood were spent attending yard sales.
It is almost impossible for me not to stop.
An addiction really.
Even though I go regularly, I am really picky.
I am looking for a great find, not junk.
Most the time I find nothing, but last saturday I snagged 2 beautiful ceramic lamps.
I got them for $3.50 a piece.
They are a beautiful milky blue/green.
And they kinda have a faux bamboo look to them, love it!
I am still debating where they will go but I am loving them on my bedroom dresser.
Obviously I need to get some lampshades, but aren't they beautiful?
So what are your thoughts on yard sales?
Do you go?
Are you obsessed like me?
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