interior design school portfolio

somedays i feel drained.
today was one of those days.
my mind wanders back to design school, how did i do it?
design school consists of sleepless nights, scrambling to meet deadlines, last minute computer malfunctions, and many many headaches.
i loved every minute of it.

tonight when feeling not-so-productive, i decided to take a peek at my interior design portfolio.
4 years of insanity resting perfectly in one box.

in the semester before graduating we were required to create a perfectly designed portfolio.
100 hours later i successfully compiled all four years into one box.

those four years consisted of endless elevations, floor plans, and design boards.

perspectives, site plans, furniture plans, and specs specs specs!

one of my favorite projects was my contemporary and historical architecture and furniture book.
i can't even begin to count the amount of hours i spent on this project.

if i could survive 4 years of interior design school, you would think i could get through one day with a 2 year old!


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