i finished the headboard for emory's bedroom last night, i love it.
$46.00 was the total cost.
batting: $8.00 (40% off at joanns)
fabric: $26.00 ($12.00/yard on fabric.com)
plywood: $12.00 (home depot)
here is a short tutorial on how i did it:
1. place headboard in desired position.
2. draw outline.
3. cut plywood using skill saw.
4. lay on top of batting (all 3 layers) and cut batting accordingly.
5. staple batting to plywood.
i stapled all 3 layers of batting at the same time.
6. lay headboard on fabric and cut the fabric accordingly.
7. staple fabric onto plywood.
and your finished, super easy!
i am so happy with the end result.
now the bed needs some pillows...
also, tonight i will be doing a lot of spray painting, it should be fun!
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