design sponge: before & after

i make a daily stop at design sponge.
i always take a peak at the before and after section.
i love seeing not so pretty things transform into something beautiful.

this little hutch is something you would see on craigslist or a thrift store.

the transformation is stunning.
one of my favorite parts, the candlesticks with bowls and plates on top. what a creative way to make serving platters for a party!

this chair is looking a little worn.

a fresh coat of paint and an old sack gives it a completely renewed look!

we all have an old desk laying around.

a bench, genius.

this chair looks helpless

a little tlc and time, it looks brand new

old wood crates, what to do with them?

a headboard of course, why didn't i think of that?

a plain and boring dresser, most people would think to donate it and buy a new one.

don't waste the money, this new dresser is stunning.
i wouldn't mind taking it home with me.

secretaries desk, do we still use these?

i would if mine looked like this.
remove the door and a fresh coat of paint, lovely.

this desk has great lines, kinda mid-century modern feeling.


i already like this dresser, but maybe a little plain.

not anymore, this is now a statement piece.

doesn't this make you want to do a diy project?
if you do, send them my way.
i would love to see them!


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